Walton Robotics Jr. FTC Program
To fuel the STEM and FIRST pipeline, in 2022 Walton Robotics started a FIRST Tech Challenge robotics program open to 6th-8th grade middle school Dodgen and Dickerson students. We are happy to announce the continuation of the teams into the 2024-2025 season. Our program consists of two teams, each with around twelve students, that build robots based on a specified game of the season. All of the aspects of the team are run by our team, including mentoring and providing a build space.
What is FTC?
FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) is the second-highest level of robotics competition in FIRST. For students in grades 7-12, members have the fall semester to build, program, and test 18” x 18” robots to earn the most points in the new game each year. In the fall and the spring, teams of 10-12 students compete at the local, state, and international levels.
If you miss the informational meeting on Apr 22, 2024, and are still interested in applying, look at this PowerPoint: